
Started by LF, May 06, 2011, 10:22:54 PM

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damn he has 39 after the first quarter  :)
but  :-[ because if he continues my decision to not make him captain will suck.

Footy God

FInished with 110. Solid, unhappy I dont have him. Not cpatain worthy.

Id back any of Selwood, Bartel, (C)happy to beat that. There will be a 140 out of that bunch.


Please let it be Captain Selwood. Would balance out that concussion score and week off i had to swallow


Pretty chuffed with his effort after bringing him in this week for Ward, esp considering Port is his worst DT average.  8)


well 110 awesome as long as jimmy beats that i'll be happy


same here, C'mon Captain Jim Jim!  ;D


Selwood all the way people! One and a half ton's from him this week   ;)


is he gonna keep this form up?? looked good last night has a good avg possesion count


was contemplating him capt but have gone witha risky one in adcock... hope it pays off with a 130+ score :) prob not rho and i kinda regret it when i have boyd mitchell or cox i could of chosen


I had Mitchell captain happy with the 110 locked in and no need to worry about my captain anymore this week. If i had Chappy proly would have gone him, Boyd playing sydney and we all know Sydney play a crap style of footy. Other choices i had was Cox but i think ess should be able to shut him down a fair bit with so many talls eg. Ryder,Hille and Bellchambers.