A copy and paste

Started by Ziplock, May 03, 2011, 04:10:09 PM

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I put this in the front bar, but you guys are the ones to be affected, so you deserve it as well

I'm getting close to my 1000 posts (a little less than 150 off), and I'm going to give this a serious shot at getting it before my 2month fan footy birthday. So, heads up to y'all, probs gonna cop at lot of ziplocked posts over the next few days.



Red Dirtie

Good luck Ziplock! 8)

Were rootin for yah!




wow thats allot of posts in a short time I have been here for over a year and have only just notched up 400 posts


what can I say, I'm a tank. Like deadset, I've notched up like 100 posts today and going strong :P


holy hell i been on here now for 4 months and only just a few posts more like 200 or so


Quote from: Chopps on May 03, 2011, 09:35:04 PM
holy hell i been on here now for 4 months and only just a few posts more like 200 or so
ive been a mumber for 2 and a bit years and im not close haha


what can I say, I give more than I can take :P


ive got to say, this is my 982nd post, and im getting pretty tired... unless there's an influx of posts soon for me to respond to, I may call it a night and finish off my millennia in the morning.