Hansens injury

Started by LF, April 30, 2011, 05:35:05 PM

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geez did everyone see it?it was a terrible injury hope he hasn`t done to much damage.


looked like he snapped his back in half...


they way he hit the fence and then held his back not his shoulder felt bad watching it - hopefully nothing serious


yeah looked awful, poor guy, i cringed at it on the replay, hope it's not serious and makes a full recovery


I did not like the look of it. Wouldn't be surprised if there was some damage and he's out for weeks.


AFL_JasonPhelan Scott says Hansen has full feeling in his extremities. Scans on lower back precautionary. #aflnorthpower


Still, looked horrible :(


thats why you dont push guys into fences.


Exactly what it looked like, a hyper-extension. Depending on the severity, he should miss 1-3 weeks. Probably one. I can't say I've ever done a back, but I've hyper-extended my knee and elbow, missed 1 week for elbow and 7 or 8 for knee...