Hung up the boots for 2011, Season 2012 here I come.

Started by Nails, April 17, 2011, 11:58:33 PM

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Master Q

Justin Bieber

Quote from: Prospector_1 on April 25, 2011, 12:27:27 AM
Is it time to move this to the rmt section yet?
Not much about players being discussed yet :P. Almost run it's course anyway so will drift away eventually.

On a side note, could be like me and look to be in for a pretty BIG week (by my standards) when others look to be falling ;). Keep A Little Faith!

*Peace Out Pplz.

Master Q


c'mon nails, that's not what we wanna hear!  ;)

you also don't want to be a ghost ship in leagues where the rest of the 'team' are trying to go up in the rankings also, do you??  :o  :P

you are going to take things 'one week at a time', 'pull up your bootstraps' and will yourself back into the top 10,000 and then the top 5000 and so on ... with the byes and multi-bye rounds you can jump/fall 10,000-20,000 spots, just like that!!!  ;D  :o


Quote from: Master Q on April 26, 2011, 07:09:02 PM
HP are you using the Q Force?

That Quote in all honesty Just don't seem right to me, has no rhyme to it. IMO. sorry.

As for rankings have gone down faster than the Titanic this week. looking for the lifeboats myself.


It's luck mate, honestly I was the exact same for the past few years. Spent hours/days/weeks.. This year ive been gabling more with my picks and have came out winning (currently 686) and been constantly in the top 2,000

You never know though! i may drop to 10,000+ and you boys shoot up to top 1000

theres so many players that yo-yo who knows what is ahead. keep at it