break even

Started by NCC, April 12, 2011, 05:20:33 PM

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how does break even work?


i look at the screen and it tells me it, thats all i know :)


B/E is the score a player needs to neither go up or down in value.  It is mainly based on previous 3 games I think but players are protected from dropping or rising too quickly.  500,000 value is roughly equivalent to a guy who scores 100sc points per week.  Basically the higher his B/E, the more likely the player will diminsh in value as he has to play better to maintain his score.
Wouldn't look into it more than that, you'll do your head in.  Let Monty/Herald Sun work it out for you ;) 


If a player scores lower than his breakeven for the week, he will go down in price.

If a player scores higher than his breakeven for the week, he will go up in price.

The higher above or below, the more his price will be effected.
