
Started by garos888, April 05, 2011, 05:21:42 PM

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ok so im thinking this is a pretty solid move even though i am burning 2 trades early.

dowgrade liam anthony to curnow

upgrade astbury to enright

even though anthony impressed when he came on i have much better bench coverage in my mids than i do down back and enrights price is set to go way up making him a hard target for me to get till mid season if i dont go for it now.

pretty happy with my team (av. 2331) and i dont see myself burning another trade for a while unless of course for LT injuries.

good call, bad call???


Do it seems like a well thought out idea


Both trades look good. Getting rid of Astbury is a must imo, and ive seen that Enright is quite a popular trade in target. Just be careful of chasing last weeks points, as I think he will start to see some forward tags, like he did the 2nd half of last year.


to go on top of it astburys price will likely go down and so will anthonys whereas the other two are going up. i think its a done deal if they are named.

also what does imo stand for? i see it everywhere, stupid question but its annoying me now


IMO - In my Opinion....

and i am also getting enright in now befre the prices, also thinking of a trade to get in libba, but not keen on a sideways trade for atley or conca even...


Yes, although im not a major fan of trading anthony out so early but in this case with astbury i think it is well worth it.


as long as you've factored in trades for your upgrade strategy and LTIs thru the season (which probably will happen), no probs and you make the call.