$390K spare too much???

Started by SIXX66, March 08, 2011, 08:16:29 PM

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pretty happy with my team but have $390k left, is that too much to not be scoring ya points.... got 4-5 mid pricers so was thinkin thats 2-3 easy one trade upgrades if things go to plan.... what do ya think

Barlow 21

Upgrade away as money sitting on the pine is a waste. I`d say a suitable amount to have left is $50-60k.
Also, check the number of premiums you have. You should have around 14 ($420k+) players in your side starting Rnd 1.


yes too much you could easily spend $300 00 and still be sweet if you want to keep some spare, money in the bank earns no points better off upgrading now and save the trades

Barlow 21

I`d say upgrade 3-4 midprices to $440k players and it will improve your side tremendously.


Ryder --> Sandi
Suban ---> Delids
Danger --> Gamble (now Kosi out for first half dozen rounds)

120k now (Gamble --> slow starting price fallen gun (chappy, dids, etc) hopefully by round 8 straight swap)


thanks fo the feedback.... I am going league win so I dont mind having 100k on the pine as it may come in handy later on


Look at it like real money guys... money "in the bank earning interest" is better than money sitting still (invest in an underpriced player, even if you dont intend to keep them, with the view to upgrade)... the only reason why you should have any coin in the bank is if you need to upgrade an injury (or serious under-performer in the first 2 rounds).


spend it all if u can. no point having money doing sfa. roll the dice dude!