My Dynasty: Denver Nuggets

Started by Maca24, April 10, 2011, 04:10:33 PM

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My other dynasty got wiped due to my playstation being stupid :/
So am going to start a new one. I will simulate a few games here and there to make it quicker.
10min quarters on all-star.


Have Pick 14.

Took Paul Pierce with my first pick.
Pick 2 will be Brandon Jennings.
Al Horford is my 3rd.
JRich is number 4.
Javale McGee is next.
Pick 6 was Leandro Barbosa
Kendrick Perkins at 7
DeMarcus Cousins is Pick 8
Matt Barnes is pick 9
Pick 10 will be Rafer Alston.

So thats my team. :)
Not the best, but is good to develop.