Got a rating?

Started by mattyondrums, February 18, 2011, 01:07:43 PM

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Made some changes but still more to be made!

Backs Goddard, Gibbs, Deledio, Malceski, Adock, Otten, Heppel (Talia, Toy, Duigan)

Mids Swan(c), Selwood, Judd, Goodes, D.Swallow, A.Krakouer (Caddy, Atley, Wallis)

Rucks Sandilands, Petrie (Z.Smith, M.Bailey)

Forwards Harvey, Riewoldt, Pavlich, Higgins, Hurley, Knights, Prestia (Mzungu, I.Callinan, Tapscott)

183k left still.



Questions for you:

how much better are you thinking eski will be this season from the last??
i think you have 3 semi-uncertainties in your fwd-line:

* Harvey - age, but i will say that Boomer has not lost anything in the last few years, the problem is will this be that year?
* Higgins - someone described him as made of butter and I'd agree, i can't see his potential upside outweighing his inj-risk history
* Hurley + Knights - I get Hurley is your mid-pricer punt so only 0.5 of a risk but then add in 0.5 for Knights returning LTI

you've got enough cash there to do some slight upgrades IMO

good luck!


defenders are solid as well as your rucks and mids
forwards are interesting...higgins if he stays fit will be worth it
i reckon use some of that extra cash to upgrade some of those mid priced palyers
otherwise good team


Im not convinced with Petrie in the ruck until he gets a few games into him.. I think if he goes down it will be easier to replace him in the forwards with a rookie than it would be in the ruck... i have also noticed alot of teams relying on z smith as there back up ruckman...


Quote from: j959 on February 18, 2011, 06:10:59 PM

Questions for you:

how much better are you thinking eski will be this season from the last??
i think you have 3 semi-uncertainties in your fwd-line:

* Harvey - age, but i will say that Boomer has not lost anything in the last few years, the problem is will this be that year?
* Higgins - someone described him as made of butter and I'd agree, i can't see his potential upside outweighing his inj-risk history
* Hurley + Knights - I get Hurley is your mid-pricer punt so only 0.5 of a risk but then add in 0.5 for Knights returning LTI

you've got enough cash there to do some slight upgrades IMO

good luck!
Harvey was still consistent last year I think he can do it again, if he gets shakey I'll get rid of him.
Higgins I'm still not sure on. He's apparantly fit and free from injury I've heard, if true I think he'll do well.
Malceski is another I'm not sure of. I had him last year, he was up and down but overall good for the price I got him at before the season.
With Hurley and Knights and I know there's risk with both of them but I'm gonna take it. There's not much to choose from for their price range in the forward line.


Also considering getting Dangerfield in their somewhere


Also tradeed Malceski for Grimes. I just cant see him getting over the 355k mark