Rip in people!

Started by woozie10, February 21, 2011, 11:45:11 PM

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6.2k cash remaining.

GOD, Lids, Gibbs, Broughton,Mackie, Otten, Heppel. Puopolo, Toy, Duigan.

Swan, Montagna, Swallow, Ward, Swallow, Harris. Atley, Mzungu, Hibberd.

Cox, Sandi. Smith, Derickx.

Buddy, Green, NVoldt, Brown, McGlynn, Petrie, Krak. Matera, Smith, Callinan.

IMO 2 out of Atley, Mzungu, Hibberd, Duigan or Puopolo should play round one so with my DPP I should have no problem covering my two Sun's in the midfield in round one.

GIve me your thoughts.


not bad, like it

not sold on mackies scoring  potential, think grimes/ symes is a better option at that price

like selection of ward & mcglyn

worried about brown... will have all the defenders attention, bris will be terrible this year and his body is failing him

prefer sylia to green

with petries current suspension/ bye in 2 outta first 3 i would swap him to knights