some advice would be helpful!

Started by mdm90, February 23, 2011, 08:07:33 PM

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Any advice would be appreciated!

BACKS: Goddard, Gibbs, Deledio, Broughton, Otten, Heppell, Toy
BENCH: Coad, Puopolo, Duigan

MIDS: Swan, Boyd, Montagna, Anthony, D. Swallow, Polec
BENCH: D. Harris, Mzungu, Hibberd

RUCKS: Sandilands, Jolly
BENCH: Z. Smith, Derickx

FORWARDS: Franklin, Green, N. Riewoldt, Pavlich, Higgins, Knights, Richardson
BENCH: Prestia, Matera, Callinan

- is starting 2 rookies on the field in defence a good idea?
- have i gone too strong in the forwards?
- was thinking about Anthony, Foley or S. Selwood as 4th mid, but im sticking with Anthony for the moment

CASH LEFT $23,900


pretty standard backs, wouldn't worry bout toy/ heppell starting, your rookies in backs should score adequately.

I like the mids, with the possible exception of hibberd, although I guess you've probably just got him in for his mpp link with heppell/god/gibs
solid effort with the rucks, some concerns sandi may drop off, jolly is super consistant, should play all non-bye games

keep an eye on dereckx for NAB, make sure his previous scoring wasnt a fluke

fwds- only minor concerns with pav getting a touch old, and higgins injury concerns.

personally, I think it's a really solid team, just watch your rooks I guess :)


i was also thinking about whether to downgrade Knights to Gamble/Krakouer or even finding a way to have both of them in my team because i think that they will both have good seasons


I dunno bout gamble personally, like, he's on my team currently, but everyone seems to be jumping on after one game, so, just watch his performance. 

I have both myself.

But, you could downgrade knights I suppose, then upgrade callinan.