Started by luckyanton, February 12, 2011, 01:39:00 AM

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What do u rate it?

5 or less


I think i have created the perfect team structure and utilized all the salary cap. DEF-4 premium, 1 mid-price-premium, 2 rookie-priced
MID-4 Gold Premium, 2 rookie-priced
RUC- 1 Premium, 1 Mid-price
FWD- 3 Premium, 2 mid-price-premium, 2 rookie-priced. Check it out:

DEF: Goddard (VC), Gibbs, Deledio, Broughton, Grimes, Otten, Heppell (Toy, Puopolo, Duigan)
MID: Swan (C), Boyd, Montagna, Selwood, Gaff, Harris (Wallis, Mzungu, Hibberd)
RUC: Sandilands, Petrie (Smith, Bailey)
FWD: Franklin, Sylvia, N.Riewoldt, Rioli, J.Riewoldt, Krakouer, Prestia (Richardson, Smith, Callanan)

What are your thoughts? Im still not sure about J.Riewoldt and whether i should get him or Zaharakis or Knights :(


If you are going for the league victory fine. A lot of teams currentyly look similar, with a a few tweaks here or there.

If you are going for an overall score, you may want to reconsider smith, rioli and franklin all in the same forward line. I understand that you could swap mzungu and smith, but having limited cover during the hawks bye round is probably a bad idea.

This is the way i see it. i wil use a hypothetical situation. Let say for arguments sake that Mzungu averages 80 for the season, and Richardson and Callanan average 50 (Assume mzungu is in forward and smith is in mids).
When the hawks have a bye, you will be forced to have franklin and cyril on the bench. So Mzungu and callana come in, and we'll say mzungu scores 80 and callana scores 50. Yeah, i spose thats ok.

However wouldnt it be better to only have one player from hawks. Say you replace cyril with ROK and they average the same. Now when Franklin has his bye, you have mzungu with 80 for cover, and when ROK has his bye mzungu covers with 80 again. So here you could net an extra 30 points.

Ofcourse this is all just theory. If Mzungu averages 80 it obviously doesnt mean he will score that every week. And also if you do remove cyril or buddy, it may be difficult to find another player who fits the structure and will average the same (Maybe ROK may average similar to cyril, but not sure).

But i just feel there are hidden points to be gained by ensuring you dont have more than 1 player from a team in every position. (Exception to the rule is your rookies. You wont gain any points advantage if the players that have a bye were both bench players anyway).

Anybody else agree or disagree with my thoughts?


Actually have bad news.. mzungu has the bye also when the hawks have a bye. So you have 2 midfield (MZungu and selwood) and 3 hawk forwards with the bye round 6. I really hope your not going for the car. :D


yeh ill have to agree with you there reconfig. Even despite mpp il still cop a zero unless all of my rookies play which is unlikely. How about this? Sandi>Cox and Rioli>Goodes?


I reckon Cox has entered the twilight years, will be on a downward arc from here out.  Ryder is a much better option in my book, he's on the rise.


not much to fault in this team

Backs - great
Mids - great though selwood could get tagged.
Rucks good
Fwds good but i think you should go rioli to goodes and Sandilands to Cox


Ok how about this: i just traded rioli for okeefe who i think will have a much better year than last year. I have now traded in sandilands and petrie for cox and ryder, giving me two premium ruckmen. Now i have $256,800 in the bank. What forward should i get for that money? i think knights but if i get petrie it allows mpp with the rucks?
