Which DT should I go?

Started by popedelio, February 14, 2011, 03:18:40 AM

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I have two teams atm, though I cannot decide which one is going to be the better team, Team 1 is constructed for future upgrades, where as Team 2 is about having the best team out on the park early. Both are similar, the differences will be in bold, though Callinan is in both squads, team 1 Ctr, Team 2 Fwd.

Team 1
DEF: B. Goddard, B. Gibbs, C. Enright, B. Deledio, J. Grimes, A. Otten, B. Smith (J. Toy, J. Batchelor, N. Duigan)
MID: D. Swan, J. Bartel, J. Corey, D. Swallow, D. Heppell, D. Harris (S. Atley, M. Wallis, I. Callinan)
RUC: A. Sandilands, D. Cox (Z. Smith, M. Bailey)
FWD: L. Franklin, A. Goodes, N. Riewoldt, D. Giansiracusa, M. Morton, D. Petrie, T. Mzungu (C. Richardson, V. Michie, B. Matera)
CASH LEFT: $254,300

Team 2
DEF: B. Goddard, B. Gibbs, C. Enright, B. Deledio, J. Grimes, A. Otten, B. Smith (J. Toy, J. Batchelor, N. Duigan)
MID: D. Swan, J. Bartel, M. Murphy, J. Corey, D. Swallow, D. Harris (S. Atley, M. Hibberd, M. Wallis)
RUC: A. Sandilands, D. Cox (Z. Smith, M. Bailey)
FWD: L. Franklin, N. Riewoldt, D. Giansiracusa, J. Brown, M. Morton, D. Petrie, T. Mzungu (C. Richardson, V. Michie, I. Callinan)
CASH LEFT: $9,800

Which team do you reckon will pay off? Your thoughts?


goodes and kieran jack/ brad sewell