Take 3 pretty happy with this one...

Started by Legen...DARY, February 02, 2011, 02:23:13 AM

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B.Gibbs B.Deledio C.Enright P.Duffield J.Drummond A.Otten D.Heppell
(B.Jacobs J.Toy N.Duigan)

B.Goddard D.Swan M.Boyd J.Bartel D.Swallow A.Gaff
(T.Mzungu S.Atley M.Wallis)

A.Sandilands D.Petrie
(Z.Smith R.Campbell

N.Riewoldt M.Pavlich C.Rioli A.Goodes R.Petterd C.Knights A.Krakouer
(B.Matera I.Smith I.Callinan)

Cash Left $23,300


Nice team but you are risking alot in your defence with both Drummond and Otten coming back from LTIs.
Watch Goodes in the NAB cup his best days may be behind him
Other then that i like your team 8/10


Quote from: Jugganauts on February 02, 2011, 02:38:20 AM
Nice team but you are risking alot in your defence with both Drummond and Otten coming back from LTIs.
Watch Goodes in the NAB cup his best days may be behind him
Other then that i like your team 8/10


I'd watch Drummond, Knights and Otten closely in the NAB cup.  All are coming of LTIs (I think) which is why they are cheep.  They could be bargins and cash cows if their full revered from their injuries.  Otherwise a fairly solid side. 


looks good id be wary if drummond aswell

unique choice with petterd may pay off

8.5/10 for me


nice team mate

would you like to join my league??

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