Please rate da latest version

Started by Ravalle, January 19, 2011, 01:23:18 AM

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Hey all....cant wait for DT11!!!
Hoping you could rate the latest version of my team...going for a little unique whilst still of course having the "must haves"

TEAM NAME: Ravalle

DEF: B. Goddard, B. Gibbs, B. Deledio, J. Grimes, A. Otten, B. Jacobs, J. Toy (C. Guthrie, J. Batchelor, M. Hibberd)
MID: D. Swan, L. Montagna, M. Murphy, A. Swallow, D. Swallow, A. Gaff (D. Heppell, M. Wallis, T. Mzungu)
RUC: D. Cox, D. Jolly (T. McDonald, Z. Smith)
FWD: P. Chapman, A. Didak, C. Sylvia, N. Riewoldt, C. Knights, D. Petrie, D. Prestia (A. Krakouer, B. Matera, C. Richardson)
CASH LEFT: $30,300

Didak has come into the side today changing from being a definite upgrade target after his byes were done....Thing is i think the limited preseason wont have hurt him too much by round 1 and he is a gun so he is now in....
Sandi - aint there in rucks as I just gotta feeling...sure it will hurt me but thats the game!!!
Appreciate feedback and if I have missed something but think i do have most things covered byes dpp etc.....and thoughts on any selections (rookies not so much) and why i have made them......A rating if you like but feedback no 1 priority!


just checks Rav:

* A Swallow not available for qualifying final (Rd21)
* Murphy not available for prelim league final (Rd23)
* not sure about both rookies in def on the field, then add in potential risk of Grimes getting inj - but as long as you've factored in the risk, no worries.  ;)

Fwd line strong and wish i had the balls to do the Jolly/Cox ruck combo - but i just can't bring myself to do it ...  yet!   :D


Thanks for the feedback you have probably guessed by Murphy and Swallow picks I am trying to get as high an overall position rather than leagues at all (i dunno anyone in my leagues so takes the fun out of it)....
The 2 rookies in defence yeah good pickup with that....I just cant seem to get the defensive line the way I want it.....the one thing I was thinking was that the 2 rookies I have there now (Jacobs & Toy) should get games and score ok....the difference between gun and rookie is not as potentially great as in the mids so i thought that if i had to have 2....def or fwd would be the place.