Current Team (Rate for a Rate)

Started by Jukes, January 08, 2011, 01:50:16 PM

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Hey all, I made a new team but I think it's missing something. Any criticism is welcome, and suggestions, rate for a rate;

Defence: Gibbs, Kelly, Deledio, Duffield, Otten, Jacobs, Watson
(Coad, Richardson, Toy)

Midfield: Swan, Goddard, Boak, Anthony, Swallow, Heppell
(Foley, Wallis, Krakouer)

Ruck: Sandilands, Jolly
(McDOnald, Smith

Forward: Franklin, Didak, Nick Voldt, Sidebottom, Knights, Petterd, Petrie
(Prestia, Darling, Mzungu)

$57,100 left over


Overall a tad bit weak I think.

Not too strong in the backs and a few uniques that might not quite pay off.


backs - No godd stuck out to me but he is on your midfield so that is cool, many could say it is a tad weak with the rookies but if they are good rookies and they pay off......

mids - solid without being amazing. boak is an odd pick i think. i am not sure he will change a lot in price i think he will keep at the value he is at at the moment.

rucks - very very strong

forwards - standard forward line to be honest. i like the inclusion of sidebottom but i am not sold on pettard :)

decent team without being great 7.75/10

rate my team?,23534.60.html

Master Q

I'm liking Duff man in your team.

Not sold on Boak, I think you should consider getting rid of him.

Rucks are good, I think Zac Smith will be very good for you on the bench.

Fowards are good, Petterd is a bit risky.