Judd, Kornes or Stanton

Started by MURRIMAGIC, January 17, 2011, 10:42:09 PM

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Which would you choose as your third premium mid?


I'd go Kornes as he is consistent... Stanton will drive you mad and Judd is more suited to SC but still scores alright so he'd be next after Kornes...


Judd in DT last year was the best valued MID for price paid per points returned on average.
Having said that, I've got Kornes ATM  ;)


Out of those three, I'd pick Marc Murphy.  :P


Im going Cornes. Bit wary of Ess/Carl players with those sides having byes last two rounds. That is if I even make the league finals..

I also had Stants all year 2010 and he dominated early season, but cant run a tag off when sides find him out


Sounds like Korndogs....Thanks for the input guys!


nahhh Judd because winning the brownlow might make Judd play amazing again


Prefer Kornes myself as well consistently scores well


Judd misses round 23. You really want to trade him out of the Prelim final?


Kornes, coz if your going for league as well as overall you dont need cover come rd 23 or 24


I'm guessing no-one likes stanton. Bye in rd 24 is a turn-off, as well as his inability to shrugg the tag. I have him on my radar, but like Cooney his scoring potential can be inconsistent.


jim cowski

i was on kane cornes for a long time and had him locked into my team for some time. however, ive since jumped ship and moved to marc murphy.

now i realise this is a judd, kornes or stanton thread, but marc's a safe bet imo.

i see marc as quite similar to kane at this stage. they averaged very similar numbers(therefore similar in price), very consistent and both very durable. the reason now that im on marc is that i think he'll improve (or has the ability to) whereas kane wont.

marc had hip surgery early last year, therefore restricting him in pre season. he still averaged around 100 for the year.

from all reports, hes doing very well this pre season, and with carlton on the up, a 110 average is on the cards for me.


out of the three listed - for reliability and durability ... K Cornes


judd. pure unmatched class compared to the other 2 options.