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Started by henry2, September 01, 2010, 01:25:42 PM

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Hey all

Is the Averagex4394 for next years prices or is there a chance of keeping it as this years prices as there will be alot of bargins.....because Dane Swan will be approx $540 and Ablett $523 and Sandi $430........ its shower >:(?

Thanks and i am so looking forward to next year


It will be average multipled by a magic number. The magic number will change for DT though, always does


Quote from: ossie85 on September 01, 2010, 01:27:02 PM

It will be average multipled by a magic number. The magic number will change for DT though, always does

Well, though i havn't played as many years as most people, i do have to say that the prices should stay the same as the previouse year. But, Dreamteam has done this for a while and i guess i will have to go along with it ;D


the extra 3 players in squads will affect the magic number so too soon to crunch numbers 8)