Essendon VS Carlton- the umps fault?

Started by footycool, April 13, 2009, 02:32:40 AM

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Anyone who watched the donns vs blues, did the umps make a difference to the end result


may be a little bias but, No way, daveys free kick was there and carlton had more frees anyway. We were the better team and we deserved the win.


Agree 100% was at the game and maybe they got 1 or 2 but the double goal was there. btw the frees count was 26-21 blues way



Exactly, if fev kicked straight it would have been a comfortable 6 goal win to the blues.


I was also at the game and the first free kick should never have been paid. The second free kick was there, and there was possibly a third free kick that could have been paid. Alwyn Davey should play for the Italian national soccer team for his performance. Former number 1 umpire Darren Goldspink had even come out on Triple M before the Nth vs Hawks game and said the first free kick should never have been paid. Thornton never took his eyes off the ball, even after he landed; less could be said for Lloyd. So if the umpire had have not paid the first free kick then the ball would be halfway down the ground and there would not have been the fracas that caused the second free kick. The umpires have a tough job but that was a mistake that even an under 10's umpire should not make.

Whether it cost Carlton the game is another thing. That decision did have an impact on the game as it altered the score and as a result, the lead. Carlton were their own worst enemy on the night with their inaccuracy and failure to apply the pressure which had won them the plaudits of critics in the first 2 weeks. Carlton are very much a top 8 side and not the top four some may have alluded to early last week. Essendon is still a long way from being a top 8 side. They only just beat a side that played poorly, a top 8 side would not do this, they would punish them as Carlton did in round 1 when Richmond did not turn up to play. Plus they beat Carlton twice last year and still managed to finish lower on the ladder.

As an Essendon or Carlton supporter you should know that it doesn't matter where on the ladder each side is, it amounts to nothing when the teams compete. The same can be said for any match between Collingwood, Carlton, Richmond and Essendon. So for all you Essendon fans be realistic and don't put too much pressure on your current coach or you may be looking for a new one come the end of the season. Remember the rumour mills and spotlight on clubs generally come from their own supporters to begin with.


Sorry Leeway,

once I saw how log-winded the reply was, and that you supported Carlton, I figured it was a winge.

Don't worry, Fev will cum good, and I'd be surprised if it's the bombers that do you out of the 8. You'll find your own way to underachieve!


Sorry again Mr Leeway,

now I have read it, and very reasonable it is. Couldn't agree more, and found nought to disagree with.

Good on yer mate, lets have a beer sometime.


Leeway. the double was there cause even if the ump didnt give the third goal the second 1 wasnt there. So all in all there was 2 goal. I think carlton supporters are bad losers and blamed it on that



Thanks prospector. It was a dismal performance by Carlton and Essendon deserved to win. We'll see if the same can be said after round 13.

footycool, using a phrase made popular by Sammy Newman, 'You Idiot'. Did you read one thing I wrote or did you just take what you wanted out of it? I am a very passionate and loyal Carlton supporter and look for no excuses. There is never any excuse for a loss, except as a team you were beaten. My post from above was me looking at the game objectively and providing my thoughts on the whole free kick saga of the 3rd quarter. If you had have taken some time to read the actual post, you would have seen that I blamed Carlton for their loss.


sorry Leway.

Just after the game we were driving back and all of the carlton supporters that we saw were saying that was the umps game. I porbably miunderstood u.

I think carlton supporters in general need to stop blaming bad kicking. Obviously u r different
Can u admit that the dons played better after qtr 1?


Let's just say the better side on the night won.


I take my hat off to u leway u are the first blues supporter to admit that the dons were better on the night :)