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Best and Fairest!

Started by HillHero13, August 11, 2010, 03:06:19 PM

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roo boys!

Justin Bieber

Quote from: roo boys! on August 14, 2010, 06:48:34 PM
Quote from: Master Q on August 14, 2010, 04:22:58 PM
Quote from: Alex7089 on August 14, 2010, 04:21:20 PM
Rawlings has had a great year!
yeah he is one of, if not the best tagger in the competition. Just look at how he shut down Hill and still got 39 possies himself.
He is playing more in the back half nowadays ::). Leaving the main tagging to others (Greenwood and Basty being given the honours of main tag duties). Been more effective as he isn't playing his old shut down role.

On matter of Best and Fairest, top 3 should be sorted already. Swallow, Rawlings and Harvey in that order. Swallow has done a great job leading the young midfield this year. Harvey playing more half forward role leaving Swallow to guide the rookies.

Quote from: Alex7089 on August 15, 2010, 08:13:08 PM
1. Ling
2. Jones
3. Rawlings
4. Jack
5. Crowley
Quote from: Master Q on August 16, 2010, 04:24:46 PM
5.Crowley - Few years and he could be higher
I would beg to differ here guys!! Crowley wouldn't be in my top 5. I'll push Rawlings to 5 and put Kane Cornes at 3.


Although not a permanent tagger, Cameron Bruce does the job great when asked

Justin Bieber

I like Bruce as a loose backman though. Can really sting when left alone.

roo boys!

Yeah I wouldnt have Crowley in mine either. YET


harvey will i reakon his been the best so he will win it haha

roo boys!

Boomer is always hard to beat but don't you agree Swallow has had a great year?


1. Brent Harvey, Brady Rawlings - 44 votes
3. Andrew Swallow - 43
4. Leigh Adams - 26 (countback - 2 x 4 votes)
5. Daniel Wells - 26 (countback - 5 x 3 votes)
6. Michael Firrito - 26 (countback - 4 x 3 votes)
7. Nathan Grima - 23 (countback - 1 x 4, 1 x 3, 7 x 2 votes)
8. Levi Greenwood - 23 (countback - 1 x 4, 1 x 3, 4 x 2 votes)
9. Todd Goldstein - 22 (countback - 1 x 4 votes)
10. Ryan Bastinac - 22 (countback - 1 x 3 votes)

Harvey and/or Rawlings have won 7 of the last 8 Kangaroos best and fairests!

Well done Rawlings! That's THREE Tasmanians with Best and Fairests this year


Was always going to be close amongst those 3 at the top.

Good to see Adams coming 4th :)

Justin Bieber

Rawlings deserved it after his shift of position turned into Gold. Can't deny Harvey for whta he gives to the club. Would of been nice to have a three way tie with Swallow. Had a fantastic year.

roo boys!

My fav player came in second, happy with that result, all three really deserved finishing up there.


Third! But still :)

Hard to separate

roo boys!

Well 1 vote behind the winners ::)