Decisions. Any input appreciated

Started by Glendi82, April 07, 2009, 04:40:43 AM

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I've got Raines, Petrenko & Cheney in my defense with Hill as an emergency. I'm thinking of trading Raines, buying a mid $300 player and then putting 1 of those rookies as my new emergency?

I've then got Harvey & Ottens who are either injured or not performing. Thinking of getting rid of Ottens for McIntosh and then Harvey for a mid priced forward.

What does everyone think, which trades would make more sense Harvey & Ottens or Raines & someone?


Trading Harvey out is a surefire way to help him get 150 next week. Plenty of Harvey-owners will thank you .. at least the ones smart enough not to trade him out, if you see what I mean.

You don't have any zeros on your backline as yet so I don't see why you need to trade. Injury-plagued Ottens is the only one I would consider trading out. And I wouldn't touch most mid-priced players unless you want mid-priced scores. Good luck


Id look at trading harvey for s.johnson. Hold raines and maybe trade him out the following week for rance and free up some money

harvey will drop a lot even if he scores 150 next week. you could buy him back later in the year at a cheaper price.


Price doesn't matter at all, unless you want to buy or trade out a player. Once you have him, who cares what his market price is? What you want is points, not $$. Ask yourself this: Is there a player you could trade in that you are confident will net more points than Harvey, from the next round on? What's happened in previous rounds is irrelevant now. Harvey is still as good a chance as anyone to kill it from here on.

I would have thought Harvey was a keeper once you had him in your side. If so, forget his price. If not, why'd you pick him? As a cash cow? Not likely. Use your rookies as cash cows, your premiums as points scorers. If you trade him out only to trade him back in, you've used two trades to get the same player. Sure, you may have made / saved $100k, but two intelligent trades used elsewhere could net a lot more than that for your side.

Everyone knows he will return to form at any time. He is a champion, that's why he costs $600k.


Exactly. Never get rid of the guns who you were planning on keeping all season. Harvey will have a huge one this week. If you trade him you will regret it the rest of the season. Only trade rookies for money or injured players. Not guns who have had a couple of bad games.


As spot on as you can get Cool9.
This guy knows what he is talking about... you'll thank him later Glendi82.


Ok guys cheers for the advice. Think ill just get rid of Ottens this week and be done with it.  Keeping Boomer & Raines as well. Hopefully I can get Raines back into my team before I go away in a few weeks time.

Thanks again guys.