Is Travis Cloke worth the trade for Johnno Brown???

Started by Shqiplish, July 09, 2010, 12:17:34 AM

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I have to trade out Johnno this week. I used Phil Davis as cover, and got a miserable 44 in return. I can't risk another horrible score this week, after dropping the last two games. I have 8 trades in hand, and will use one of them to straight-swap Barlow for GAJ, and I have no spare cash to upgrade Johnno for someone around 300k. Does Travis rate in anyone's eyes (after a two 93s in the last 3 weeks), or is he a waste of space???


youll be hating the travis cloke trade in 2 or 3 weeks when browny comes back and knocks a few 100+ scores
keep browny, keep the davis scores in for this week
surely u dont need the league win that bad
