Hey Monty, how about doing this a a joke in tomorrow night's game

Started by Statman79, June 24, 2010, 09:49:44 AM

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Can you put an extra player on tomorrow night's losing team list for scores named Kevin Rudd and put the spud next to his name & scores of 0, 0, 0.
That would be funny.

Jas 13

No one cares dude....

Politics wise, Australia is F$&ked!

At least we can depend on one thing...footy!



Last thing we want to see is that pri^$# name in fan footy! lol  ;D

Jas 13

Cheers vman...

First point of call....Free beer Fridays!

Every employed person shall be entitled to one free beer at a location/establishment of their choosing every Friday at 5pm - this should bring down the unemployment rate because, after all, who doesn't want free beers!


History says Labour is here to make major stuff ups and keep the unionists happy and also to spend all the money australia doesnt have.
Liberal is here to correct all labours stuff ups and bring the country back into surplus.
History and evidence says this.
Kevin Rudd and all his party are the george bush of america. Hopeless.

I dont blame the labour party though, I blame the people who voted labour.

Wake up everyone


Quote from: carpsi on June 24, 2010, 03:19:41 PM

Kevin Rudd and all his party are the george bush of america. Hopeless.

I dont blame the labour party though, I blame the people who voted labour.

Wake up everyone

First of all, it's not Labour, it's Labor, you blabbering twit.

Kevin Rudd is the George Bush of America?? Or the George Bush of Australia? Are you aware of which country you are in?

Your argument is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought.

Personally, I couldn't care less what you think "carps". Make sure you wake up the dozy, peg-legged hamster operating that wheel powered brain of yours before you post again.  :D


This is a footy site right? Who give a stuff about it all anyway!

Footy's the only thing that counts!  ;)


Well hespey nice Happy Gilmore quote..... like it. Do not like your dyed in the wool labor voter attitude. However poorly carpsi communicated his opinion, he is right. Labor f*cks us up, spends all our money on stupid shower and then try to slug us with a tax nobody wants. Then the libs get in and fix the mess. Its a story of history repeating itself.

Or was it that you made that statement for the sole purpose of using a HG quote to burn someone?


Hahah glad you liked it brodman_18. I don't vote for Labor or Liberal. Not political at all. I actually think that people who discuss politics have over-inflated senses of self-worth. I do enjoy squashing dimwit's like Carpsi, who make sweeping, uneducated and generalist comments on a topic they do not understand. What's bet that he has never read a Government policy? He probably wouldn't know where to start either, or would be too busy playing Mario Brother's to bother reading it. It's probably best people like Carpsi get lost somewhere that doesn't have a found department.
