What to do... what to do...

Started by LaHug, May 22, 2010, 12:32:18 AM

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Alright, here’s my situation. (And yes, I know I’m not great at DT, but it’s just a hobby and not my life)
Backs: Hodge, Goddard, Enright, Gilbee, Shaw, Kennelly, Maguire. Bench: Hunt, Trengove (Port)
Mids: Barlow, Selwood, Cooney, Ball, Mitchell, Howlett. Bench: JKT, Shuey
Rucks: Sandi, Renouf. Bench: Warnock, Lobbe
Forwards: Pav, Gia, ROK, Boomer, Brown, Peterson, Buddy. Bench: Hitchcock, Jaensch.
$171,000 in the bank, 13 trades remaining.

Which should I do?
Option 1: Straight trade from Renouf to Cox leaving $42,800 in the bank.

Option 2: Downgrade Hunt to Webberley and upgrade Shuey or JKT to a premium priced $440-$450k or less (Montagna, Hayes, Bartel, Judd, Simpson, Boyd, etc), leaving me with whatever little I don’t spend.

What should I do? And which premium should I get if I do Option 2? If I do Option 2, it looks like I'll have to use two trades to get Cox later down the track. If I do Option 1, it'll save me a trade but I'll have to wait for a cash cow to bring in more money before I can upgrade my midfield.

Thanks in advance.

P.s. After doing whichever option I do, who should start and who should be emergencies?


I would downgrade hunt to webberly and upgrade renouf to cox.

shuey should be back soon and make cash and JKT well who knows if/when he will return.

only downgrade hunt if you think webberly has enough job security and you think he will be reliable bench cover, otherwise just renouf to cox would do



hunt to webberley and renouf to cox
that'll leave you with enough cash to make a rookie to premium trade in your midfield next week and it should allow you to get montagna cheaper because of his high b/e this week

its not a bad team though, couple of trades in the midfield and its finished


Great idea guys! Thanks heaps!!! =D


Oh, while I'm at it, who should I make Captain? And should I leave Brown on the field with Hitchcock emergency in case he doesn't play?


leave brown on with hitchcock as emergancy.

captain you have these choices;

hodge, goddard, sandi, pav, rok

sandi looks good cause sydney has weak ruck at the moment, but its your choice