Job security - Howlett/Martin

Started by Fletch74, May 22, 2010, 04:13:35 AM

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What does everyone think of Howlett's Job security? I have Martin, Howlett and Moles as my 3 rookies left in the mids, so I only need to upgrade 1.

I can upgrade Martin this week, or hold if he has better JS than Howlett and trade him later. I think Martin has better js, but just interested what everyone else thinks as to whether Howlett has a good chance to play the entire season out since Moles seems to be on the fringe.



Howlett won't play the whole season although he will most likely play about half. I think it would be best to keep martin as Howlett and Moles isn't very good cover for injuries.


Thanks Alex. I do have another upgrade I can make, so I'll do that instead and wait for either Howlett/Moles to reach their ceiling


ud think martin as the tiges need players with some class
whereas howlett seems to rotate with colyer and melksham


martin definately the best job security -

jeezz i wish moles would crack a gamen !