Different Scores

Started by al3xrulz, May 15, 2010, 02:53:50 PM

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Howcome the SC scores are different when you go on the superfooty website and see the scores on the Live Sc scores feature but then the actual SC has different scores example Sandilands got 149 on the Superfooty one but got 150 on SC, same with Duffield he got 83 on the Superfooty one and got 80 on SC. Why is there a difference in scores?


Because the SC site doesn't include the late stat change that takes place 10 minutes after every game finishes. They really should fix that up.


The Superfooty website should stop showing the scores until after the game like M0nty

They just want hits on the site so put up quarter scores that are close but with SC scoring the changes can be dramatic.  This reflects poorly on SC.

I don't take any notice of them - rely on FF only  ;D


ff put up the same scores as superfooty....if u hav a look even the scores on ff are different to the ones on the sc website....