Where should you upgrade???

Started by Colty, May 11, 2010, 04:57:59 AM

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G'day all.

Just needed some advice on what to do next with my side.

it currently sits at

Waters Hodge, Goddard, Kennelly, Hurn, Shaw, Gilbee
Nason, Silvagne

Trengove, Martin, Hannebery, Ablett, Swan, Barlow
Howlett, Shuey

Kreuzer, Mumford
Lobbe, Warnock

Hall, Okieefe, Rioli, Podsiadly, Grundy, Betts, Ballantyne
Medhurst, Gumbleton

At the moment I have 15 trades left, and I have 547K in the bank. Im not sure what to do, im keen to make 4 trades over the next 2 weeks and use all the cash I have left in reserve. My confussion is wonderinf what areas to upgrade.
Im defo getting rid of Medhurst this week.

The thoughts I had were to do the following

Medhurst - Brown/Harvey
Waters - Duffield
Medhurst - Brown/Harvey
Martin - Hayes

Following week

Trengove - Montagna
Hall/Balla - Goodes

I guess im not 100% where I should be looking to upgrade. any constructive critizism and help would be great.
Go Gazza!!!!


I think you have answered your own problems.

PS Having 547k sitting in your bank is a waste. Get all your cash on the ground.


How the hell did you get that much cash in the from 5 trades?


Not convinced on mumford either but with Seaby out for a while it may be ok!!!


Waters for Duffield and upgrade either Hall or Rioli or Betts

also how the hell did u get so much money with 5 trades did u trade all your premiums in the forward and midfield?


I'd say the money has come from the mids!!! They are a bit thin!!!


When i started I had 220 left over, then traded in Ball for hanners, reiwaldt for grundy when he was 400k, then traded jetta for howlett, cant remember the rest to be honest.

so Mids are the most important to upgrade???


IMHO yes they are. Its the engine room where the consistant high scores come from!!!


Yeah look to finish your mid of with prem:

Ablett, Swan, Barlow - Keepers

Trengove, Martin, Hannebery, - Upgrades to prem...

You get bigger scores from your mid field but make sure you have cover in the back and forward or you will end up with a gun mid with donuts forward/back which can be a big waste...


ok nice. im waiting to see what happens with Hannebery, the guy has scored 144, 38, 108 in his last 3 outings, prob going to see if he can keep that up if not ill upgrade him.
Do you thinjk its ok to get rid of Martin and Trengove this week or shall I wait another week??
As you were saying tis a waist to have all that cash sitting about. Im trying to coincide my trades for when sam mitchel drops after next week.


You should wait on Martin, his B/E is 18 where Trengove B/E is 67.

Montagna would work great in your team I got him last week.


if your trying to win your league then i wouldnt trade straight away, your backline is really solid, i like the mids the forwards (still alot of money to gain from martin, trengove) the rucks and forwards stink.
maybe mumford out for cox? and then maybe hall out for leon neon in a week or two (once brad dick is back he'll get back into that hf/mid role and start scoring big SC again)
Then id trade out medhurst for goodes/harvey in a couple of weeks...


Cheers Guys, yeah look your right forwards do stink, and Mumford is not ideal, I still think now seaby is out he can post a few more decent scores and rise in price to maybe a 400k mark.
Not trying to wijn comp but win league.

I might go with leave trengove and martin for another week or maybe 2 for Martin, but upgrade medhurst and Hall this week. Brown and Pav maybe.

I would hold onto to trade but its such a waist having that cash just sitting there.