Midfield Dilemma

Started by Fletch74, April 30, 2010, 12:42:54 PM

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I'm not really sure what to do with my Midfield ATM. I have Boyd, Mitchell, Howlett and Martin all not playing this week.

I have Brennan, Barlow, Bartel, and Bastinac as my remaining Mids. I have 15 trades remaining, was hoping to use 1 this week for Danger in the mids or fwd line, but now I'm not really sure what to do...

I don't want to trade Boyd or Mitchell, is it perhaps time to trade Martin despite the fact he hasn't reached his potential? I won't trade Howlett as he has not earnt me any $$$ and I know he can come back in once he is over his injury.

I don't know how much more bad luck I can take...

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.



tough one...
i think this is one of those times where you have to bite the bullet and sell a player before their potential is reached.
martin really has to go
with 15 trades left you'd be looking at 2 things
1. using your excess cash to buy a premium mid
2. buying an average mid and upgrade another player to avoid the donut

for option 1 selwood might be an option - undervalued - and for option 2 maybe JKT so you still make money through the trade


Gee, tough one Fletch. I feel for you.

It looks like the only way for you to not get donuts is to do a double trade, but that's just as bad. But it seems that's the only way.

If you have to double trade then I suppose you wouldn't want to sideway the premiums in Mitchell and Boyd so this leaves you with the other sideway option of rookies for rookies.

If you have to do this, even with just one trade, then I suppose you'll want to optimise your earning potential. This will invariably require you to take some calculated risks, meaning looking at cheapies such as JKT, or one with more job security like Cunnington, for Howlett.

Forget about Howlett not earning you any money because you really haven't got any other option.