Losing to your mates team because of that one player!!

Started by SCADDICT, April 25, 2010, 04:09:11 AM

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I didn't have any sob stories from last year, oh wait...... in 2 leagues I was unbeaten all the way through the year and won them. Then in the third league, I was unbeaten going into the last round before finals, I was playing the other bloke who was unbeaten- Killa Beez. I won in a big week where I pulled 2370. The next week first week of finals and bang I'm win and I'm into the prelim. Then I think I'm fine, everything is dandy I'm heading for 2400, I got it. But the girl I'm playing pulls out her highest score of the year and gets a flukey 2550. I'm out gone, done. I was crushed.

Justin Bieber

And thats why your the hardened coach ;). No sobbing for you ;D


Won in the leagues I'm doing showere in but lost in the league I was leading in...  ???