
Started by thornz23, April 12, 2010, 01:20:51 PM

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Anyone know how bad his injury is? he dropped 24900 this week in price and is only averaging 70.33 im thinking i might trade him out regardless of how bad his injury is.. Already had to do brennan in this week for roo and i only chose brennan because he hasn't had a chance for his price to rise yet so im going to take advantage of that.   
Finally if i do trade him who should i get? i have 240k left in the bank so can afford anyone. I'm thinking one of the saints big backs.. maybe gilbert
Of course there is also the option of sitting him on the bench and letting hunt get some game time who had a nice score this week...
sooooo thoughts?

Justin Bieber

wait and see the extent of the injury. was rested for almost half the game (not sure on how much but was out before the 4th quarter) so had a pretty low score this round.

i would wait and see about how long he is out. if you have good cover which you have in hunt, might wait it out if its for a week or 2.

gonna probably wait it out if its under a month. got goose to cover so all is good 8)


yehhh goose is looking good but i will definately wait and see when hes set to come back.
Although the way adelaide is playing at the moment... i don't know if you want any adelaide player lol. Iv watched all their games and it seems like every time they go to him from a kick out.. they will kick it out on the full or over his head.. i rarely see him getting hit on the chest.

Justin Bieber

yeah the crows players efficency is down this year. had a few players going down before the season and during the game. will hope he comes good (as i have also waited it out for Rhyce). think he deserves that chance.