save my SC year!

Started by BLBBLB, July 30, 2016, 01:46:57 PM

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Sooo..went to loophole Libba last night and it looked like a masterstroke until he went down again. Now my planned trades are cooked (zaha to priddis/rocky, menadue to naismith)

Now I'm faced with the decision of:

1. Take libba 72. Highly unlikely il win.
2. Sub in Mathieson who might go large but rookie so who knows might go worse
3. Don't trade zaharakis and instead trade Trengove and menadue for Viney or Cripps (will have 509k) and Naismith.

Must win this weekend and have been doing my head in so any rational advice appreciated!


72 ain't that bad just do your trades