could this finally be it

Started by dylan84, March 16, 2009, 09:21:17 AM

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goddard, Bock,cornes,drummond, grimes, raines, hill

petrenko, suban/rance


ablett, corey, selwood,cousins,otten, rich

beams, anthony


cox, white

jacobs, graham


pav,deledio, franklin, harvey, vespremzi, higgins, skipworth

gumbleton, brown - wce

still have 86k left to upgrade if need be, could get mcintosh for white, better mid for otten etc???

happy with backs, maybe a little to much in forwards


yeah upgrade white, and i think downgrade corey and upgrade otten.


agree with love4thegame. Need to get a medium or a high range mid for Otten


wanting to leave white i think, as guarnteed 2nd ruck at sydney and will upgrade when need to/know who to out of ottens/hille/sandilands/ mcintosh etc

on mids, actually had grigg there till today instead of otten, and moved excess cash to forwards to upgrade. you guys obviously think i need to downgrade somewhere to give me cash to get a player around 300 in mids?? t.tuck,adcock,masten,hasleby etc

was relying on first 4 mids being so strong, and the other 4 being def cash cows by the looks of early season form