oops, what should I do now?

Started by Bill Manspeaker, May 30, 2014, 11:58:36 AM

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Bill Manspeaker

J. McVeigh, Hibberd, Simpson, D.Swallow, Suckling, Langford   (Cutler, Bews)

Ablett, Swan, D.Beams, J.Selwood, Montagna, Watson, Cotchin, Hallahan   (T.Mitchell, Buckley)

Jacobs, Sandilands   (Currie, Thurlow)

Dangerfield, Martin, Wingard, Parker, Tex, Fasolo   (Cameron, Ambrose)

$206,987 remaining

right so I was planning on going Buckley -> Shenton, T.Mitchell -> Stevie J / Rockliff / Pendles or whoever else... buuuuut I missed lockout cos I was on SC, so now Mitchell is locked in and I can't afford Stevie J or Rockliff. so now here are my options; (numbers in brackets are their BEs)

Buckley -> Shenton
Hallahan(-10) -> Pendles(117)
Buckley -> Shenton
Langford(33) -> Burgoyne(BE not sure)
Buckley -> Shenton
Ambrose(3)/ Fasolo(51) -> Brent Harvey(85)

which do you think would most benefit my team? all rookies still have cash to make, but I WANT PREMOS :D looking at that I think Fasolo -> Boomer is probably the best bet, but Fas has scored hundreds and at the very least would be handy bench cover (or a straight swap with Zorko)

can you see any other options there?



I reckon option 3,  Langford and hallahan stil have cash to make

Bill Manspeaker

thanks for the reply mate. yeah that's what I thought first off, but now I'm leaning towards Langford -> Burgoyne.

I know Langford still has cash to make, but think Ambrose still has cash to make as well (if he can stay in the team) and I should be able to straight swap Fasolo with Zorko in a few weeks (or reassess later)

reckon I'm gonna go with Langford to Burgoyne. thanks anyway mate :D


Time to upgrade Wingard. Jet player but not fantasy relevant. Get rid of T.Mitchell as well since not playing. (I held him to there bye as well)