Entire team help.

Started by chadsta112, April 08, 2014, 03:44:15 PM

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Wasn't sure if I should have posted in Rate my coach so just stuck it out here.

Have been overseas since December, so have missed the majority of pre-season talk and blokes to get on etc.
Picked up my rookies from having a look at others teams on here before round 1 lockout. Finished pretty decent last year (top 1500), but my team this year is scoring horrendous. Need some help big time, so any suggestions will be most appreciated!


NicNat to Sandipants, McDonough to Fasolo? at least that fixes F6 and Sandi is still a must at his price i reckon


It's actually not that bad, especially considering you were overseas all that time

NicNat to Sandi is the best move to generate funds and gain points

You went with 3 very expensive def premo's so you just gotta back them in for now I think

Honeychurch and McDonaugh seem to be the weakest links, and you gotta get JKH off the ground so NicNat to Sandi and McDonaugh to the best forward will have to do for now, or you could double downgrade this week (NicNat to Sandi and perhaps Walker to a cheaper premium defender) to allow you to upgrade McDonaugh next week to a good fwd?


HMac to Sandi
McDonuts to Taylor?


Cheers for the help guys.

Think Sandi in is a must. Hmac has been solid, but i'f i'm bleeding 30-40 points a game, it adds up over a season.

Whats the deal with WCE playing 3 rucks for the first few rounds?