Which 2 of 3 trades?

Started by GCSkiwi, March 31, 2014, 07:26:16 AM

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Hi coaches

Nightmare week but I think I'm now settled on 3 trades I should make, just trying to decide the order to do them in

The team:
McVeigh, Smitch, Simpson, Hurn, Suckers, LMac (Langford, Georgiou)
GAJ, Pendles, Rocky, Beams, Tyson, Polec, Aish, Dunstan (Michie, Ellis)
Hickey, Sandi (Currie, Derrickx)
anger, Dustmart, Pav, Caddy, Higgins, Rogan (Bennedy, JKH)

Now, in the last couple of years I would have played conservatively and given Hurn and Pav a break, but I'm wanting to be more aggressive at the start to see if I can bump up my overall - not off to a good start!

Hurn to Swallow
Pav to Zorko
Bennedy to Lewy Taylor

Yes I know I should never have started Bennedy, I didn't see him vested first round and don't make trades in round 2.

Thinking first two trades this week, Then Bennedy next week is best use of cash as Swallow and Zork will go up, Pav and Hurn will go down. Lewy might go up a little but not much, and Bennedy aint going anywhere...



Hurn to Swallow & Pav to Zorko

just be weary that Rocky to come back this week and it may affect his score.


Thanks keeper. Zork did well with Rocky in week 1, not expecting 160s all the time but tons would be nice...


Bennedy would be my #1 priority
Then maybe look at trading Hurn if he is out for 3+ weeks


i dont really agree that trading those two is a good idea, but IF you wanted this aggressive overall focused line then i think theyre probably the right trades.

could you potentially turn caddy to zork instead? given that you're sidewaysing i see more chance of pav being in your final team that caddy so it might save you a trade in the long run, which will be valuable


Cheers Rico - onya for chipping in advice for all. Yeah Pav isn't  that bad really, just that Zork is very appealing and the gap is set to widen. Was switching zork and pav all preseason and in the end looks like I backed the wrong one. Could come good though, just wary of Franklin 2.0 - didn't jump off Buddy fast enough last year and he ended up being a real killer...

Hurn will only go if out for the 3+ weeks predicted. But that's looking likely...


Quote from: fever on March 31, 2014, 11:15:21 AM
i dont really agree that trading those two is a good idea, but IF you wanted this aggressive overall focused line then i think theyre probably the right trades.

could you potentially turn caddy to zork instead? given that you're sidewaysing i see more chance of pav being in your final team that caddy so it might save you a trade in the long run, which will be valuable

Thanks fever.
I could upgrade Caddy but there seems little point when he's going well enough to go up. I was hoping he would be a stepping stone around bye time, this is a little early!
I managed to finish last year with a few extra trades but could have traded harder earlier, hence adopting a different tactic this year. I might just do it, it could backfire spectacularly but as above, I hung onto Buddy last year for faith that was never repaid, when my gut said bounce him early...


what mail is there on hurn? i have him too but thought it was just soreness



Says Hurn at least a fortnight, but knees are always dodgy and typically longer than expected.


I heard 2-3 on Hurn. If we don't get a solid update on him later in the week I'll look at trading just incase it gets pushed out to 3.
Praying for some good news though lol


thanks. this sucks. last minute pre-r1 i went swallow to hurn cos swallow at d3 looked too weak on paper  ::)


Quote from: fever on March 31, 2014, 11:27:29 AM
thanks. this sucks. last minute pre-r1 i went swallow to hurn cos swallow at d3 looked too weak on paper  ::)

Yeah I also 'upgraded' Swallow to Hurn as I didn't have as much faith in the breakout hype. How much better off would I be now if I'd kept Zork and Swallow?!? Wouldn't even need to think about these trades!