premos with new rolls

Started by frenzy, March 24, 2014, 10:55:38 PM

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maybe just me, but I don't like premos being played outta their positions.

Dangerfield playing mostly up forward.

Mitchell playing in defence.

Rockliff tagging Mitchell.

I'm sure there was others, like Dustin Martin.

Can see some dissapointing premos scores coming to haunt us, cos they burnt me big time this week.


It was one week.

Danger played the majority of the game in the midfield but had the hard tag of Guthrie the entire game and still scored 107.

Rocky started in the guts and tagged Mitchell and then moved up forward to follow Mitchell there. Mitchell played most of last season in defence so he was bound to spend some time there again this year. Rocky will not tag every week, he is obviously too good a player for that.

Just relax.


yeah you cant get any info round 1

regarding Rocky it was more just a run with role then Mitchell took down into defense if i was him i would have taken him to the forward line to make him more uncomfortable


new ROLLS - thought this must have been about players who had put on some extra weight over the off season

Oh - I guess you meant ROLES

Danger 107, Dusty 102, Rocky 95, Mitchell 84 - They are all basically within 20 points of their expected averages - this is normal and within the expected Standard Deviation.

If you had been taking any notice you would have known Dusty was earmarked to play off half back, Mitchell played most of last year off half back - that why you can now have him as a defender. Danger will always get tagged and rest in the forward line
Rocky is not normally a run with player but I would expect this was a one off as part of a game plan to try and combat the top team.


Premos with new rolls? Wholemeal ::)?

Anywho, I reckon there will be a few surprises this year with the interchange cap. The premos will still come through and average better than the others though I reckon, so don't stress too much


These aren't exactly new roles

Dangerfield has been playing forward most of his career and even after his breakout year in the midfield has spent a lot of time in the fwd line due to the absence of Tex.

Mitchell played off halfback all last year with stints in the middle. He scores just as well from there as he does in the middle.

Rocky wasn't tagging Mitchell, he was playing on him like most players play on a player.





Love your work Danz. Could hardly tell it was an altered image!


Oh - I guess you meant ROLES


Yep, sorry fellas, I flunct sandpit @ kindergarden.


Cotchspud spent a lot of time forward which bothered me as the ball wasn't going there :P  They needed him to get the ball down there!

Loving Jack Watts new role though ;D


Quote from: Doggoneit on March 24, 2014, 11:23:23 PM

If you had been taking any notice you would have known Dusty was earmarked to play off half back,

Hope your not having a crack "buddy" and yes I'm well aware of Dustin's new role, hence another reason I chose not to select him. He remains on the never again list.

Judd Magic

Salad rolls, meat rolls, vegie rolls....  ::)


Quote from: frenzy on March 25, 2014, 05:50:52 PM
Quote from: Doggoneit on March 24, 2014, 11:23:23 PM

If you had been taking any notice you would have known Dusty was earmarked to play off half back,

Hope your not having a crack "buddy" and yes I'm well aware of Dustin's new role, hence another reason I chose not to select him. He remains on the never again list.

If anything that was the reason I did pick him. Perfect role for good SC scores. Tag possibility though.. if that's what you meant.