Pretty please

Started by GoLions, March 22, 2014, 02:20:19 PM

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Could people actually look at some of the threads already created before making their own, I dunno if it's just me but having to answer the exact same question over and over is really grinding my gears


Quote from: GoLions16 on March 22, 2014, 02:20:19 PM
Could people actually look at some of the threads already created before making their own, I dunno if it's just me but having to answer the exact same question over and over is really grinding my gears


Yeah it's frustrating as, clogs up the board too.


This thread will certainly be ignored.

Sticky it!


People need to learn how to use the forum search option in the top right. Best way to the info you are chasing :)


It honestly puts me off helping people.


I cant see this ever not happening

So many new people come along, don't even think to use search or look through the first few pages of threads

Very annoying but will never stop. New users I can get, but people who post here regularly or have been here for ages and still do it, they're the worst!


Quote from: GoLions16 on March 22, 2014, 03:31:07 PM
It honestly puts me off helping people.
It's the reason I don't post in these boards much.

People need to learn how to use this forum properly.

It's actually pretty quick and easy to use the search function, but it's ridiculous how many people don't understand that...


Most forum users come here for themselves, not to help others, so their mindset is that they don't even think about this, they just want answers to their questions.

For most it's take take take, not take and give


Don't mind helping but no thanks or please is annoying.


Quote from: RaisyDaisy on March 22, 2014, 03:41:21 PM
Most forum users come here for themselves, not to help others, so their mindset is that they don't even think about this, they just want answers to their questions.

For most it's take take take, not take and give
It's a shame really.

I wish it was a two-way street. A bit of the 'you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours' mentality could go a long way.