If Impey gets the vest..who then?

Started by NFI Police, March 16, 2014, 03:30:23 PM

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NFI Police

Concerned that if impey gets the green today...beside JKH who else is there next week as a rookie to choose?...and what happens if JKH isn't picked?


For people who have McDonaugh or Rohan, as F7, they can pick JKH at F8 and pass on Impey, but for people like us who have JKH and Impey, I think we just have to pick Impey at F8 even if he is the sub

Next week I think the only 2 that could get named, and doubt they even will, are prob Merrett and McCarthy and I'm not picking them

I'm hoping if Impey is the sub, he should be given a few games more anyway, surely Hinkley is going to start him sub and then drop him next week, that would be extremely stiff