Pendles/Caddy Vs Fyfe/Dahlhaus

Started by PowWow, March 14, 2014, 05:34:23 PM

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My mid/fwd line is

Mid: Ablett, Pendles, Libba, Beams, Tyson, Mitchie, Polec, Ellis            Dunston, Crouch

Fwds: Danger, Martin, Parker, Caddy, Higgins, Rohan                          JKH, Impey

Really considering Dahlhaus as a POD and to step it up.
Is it worth getting rid of Pendles?
Put Fyfe there but could be anyone from 604k - Watson, Rockliff, Fyfe, Cotch, Kennedy....


Caddy and Pendled by a country mile


Caddy & pendelbury every day of the week



Yeah I know guys... don't know what i'm thinking. Just need the lock out to hurry up haha.
Too much tinkering!!!  ::)


I have Pendles, Caddy and Dahlhaus, if Libba wasn't so tempting I'd have Fyfe as well haha. Hooray for last minute tinkering!!!  ;D


Yeah, I agree with the others, I wouldn't sacrifice Pendles for Dahl.