Please help F5 choice!

Started by dbfc, March 11, 2014, 08:55:36 PM

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Hey guys need some help

Current midfield
gaj pendles libba (could turn into watson if i get macrae) beams (?) ellis polec michie

if i get macrae i would go libba to watson



Might want to change the title to M5 mate. I chose Tyson simply because thats the way ive gone. Option one is also a very solid move, Daisy not a keeper and that dodgey ankle makes me shy away tbh.


Yep agreed.. Tyson.should make cash plus upgrade elsewhere...




i could use that to go luey to goldtein..will he avg the sam amount of pts?


tyson too, but that macrae thread has got me thinking


Yep I went Tyson aswell.
Ablett: Pendles: Watson: Beams: Tyson: Aish: Michie: Polec: Dunstan: Ellis
Taken the cash in the bank if needed for rookies as the teams get announced and some I've picked are not playing. May need the cash to move to 1 slightly more expensive who gets named.