Draft Defence Dilemma

Started by makita, March 11, 2014, 11:59:58 AM

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Votes would be appreciated. Would love some comments on who u picked and why if u got the time.



Sorry but I don't understand what you're asking? Are you looking at offering one of these players out? Deciding who to bench? Looking at trading in?


sorry should have explained. have a 3 back structure. Currently have Simpson - Hurn - Terlich (Seedsman on bench) and want to

know who the best 2 of terlich season and Harbrow are. Harbrow is free agent in waiver.


Tough mate. It's hard to ignore Seedsman being injured, and the possibility of 2nd year blues for Terlich is definitely there. Harbrow hasn't jumped out at me but I'm not playing draft so haven't really paid attention to those sorts of players. Terlich > Seedsman, not sure how Harbrow fits in.