X. Ellis+ Buddy or Tyson+Higgins for round 1?

Started by thefuzz, March 11, 2014, 12:49:22 AM

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X. Ellis plays in the final game of the round so if he is the sub I would be stuck with him. Buddy vs GWS could be anything.
Tyson vs Saints in a game they Melb should win, vsing Saints who have no solid midfielders playing in round 1. Will avoid the vest surely. Higgins could also be anything.
Cheers guys
I think Ellis (70)+Buddy (90) vs Tyson (95)+Higgins (80). There are a lot of variables which is making it hard to decide which partnership is better.


Higgins should score more than 80 in round 1 against West Coast. And Tyson should score more than Ellis. With the little bit amount of cash that you get from Higgins and Tyson can be used somewhere else