Help my team! Win a cookie!

Started by Choke, March 07, 2014, 09:38:08 AM

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Hi all, first post ever.

I lied about the cookie. My team needs help though!

This is what I have so far:

$39k in the bank.

Very concerned about my rookies in all lines.

Is leaving out McVeigh and Dusty a mistake?

Thanks for any help you guys can provide :D


I would drop Longer down to a Derickx and Clurey to someone like Langford, Langdon, Griffiths etc. no need to carry that extra cash on the bench.

Don't like starting both Swan and Ablett with the underpriced mids available like Cotchin, Murphy and D Thomas for that mid price range. C Beams hasn't shown enough for me but I think he'll still be a good pick.

Questions over Chappy, will be managed extensively (ie. sub risk and rests) not convinced with Buddy personally but he's not the worst choice. I'd look at trying to get Dusty in your forwards, he and Danger are set and forget pretty much. Other options could be Parker, Wright if you like the risk or Gunston.

Just my thoughts take them or leave them.


Definitely free up cash from your bench. I just have concerns with: Chapman, Franklin and Lamb. Leaving out McVeigh isn't a mistake, but leaving out D.Martin is.


Hmmm, very interesting.

Thanks for the feedback. I'll work on some changes and see how I go :)


Ok, attempt #2.

Made some chages as recommended (and some not), although I really want to keep Ablett and Swan. I just feel they are too hard to bring in during the season. Also I know for sure that the #1 and #2 coaches in my league will have both, so if they have an off game or lose value I won't be losing out compared with my direct competition.

Had to downgrade Swallow to make it all work and the backline is now weaker than I'd like.

If Mitch Clark was playing, I'd put him in instead of Caddy and upgrade fuller back to Swallow. But I just can't find anyone else who'd cheap enough and will play every game.

So, better or worse?

$28k left in the bank now.