Brandon Matera

Started by Artax, February 21, 2014, 02:13:36 PM

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Is it just me thinking this guy could really go nuts this year? Totally unique F4 option


I like him too, watch him over his next two games, he could be a good POD, as many may go for cheaper options in Fasolo and co.


as an F4?
the prospectus seems to rate him as a breakout contender (at some stage) but I'm not considering, I'm paying the extra 40k for Zorko/Pav/Robbo/Gunston


Has been my smokie since he got injured last year. Was so happy no one had mentioned him lol, till now. The issue is how much midfield time he will get with the likes of swallow and Martin rotating through there now. First nab game wasn't promising and he will need to show me something before I pick him.