Rate my SC plz

Started by PowerMan, January 31, 2014, 09:28:50 AM

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Hey Powerman

I expect you will get a lot of comments about Bock and KK being too much money sitting on the bench. I actually don't mind this for a bit of security in your bench cover.

Obiously all rookies to be confirmed but I struggle to see Crouch getting into the crows best 22.

Some interesting mid price picks, Houli I've seen in a few teams now and don't understand why? Can't see him being top 10 or making enough cash to be worth the investment.
Tomahawk I don't think will be a keeper but if his back holds out he shoould increase his price a bit to trade later.
Clark seems pretty iffy as to whether he will be in round 1, I would be temped to swap Clark to Kersten and use the cash on Houli.

KJack and Fyfe both stars and relatively unique picks - if Fyfe can improve his DE he'll be a superstar for sure.

Grundy and Sandi a bit of a weak line but cash is spread elsewhere

Overall nice team just maybe a couple of tweaks to consider.


Not to bad few pods in there not to sure about Hawkins , Clarke , or Bock for different reasons and rucks a bit iffy but not to bad good luck


Good spread. I like it.
Fine tuning might involve daisy in for a mid then thawk to dusty?