The Doppelg

Started by simeon8405, July 01, 2013, 09:16:49 PM

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Hi all,

Here's my team

Defense: Goddard, Heppell, Hartlett, Gibbs, Vlastuin, Staker (Thurlow, Colquhoun)
Mids: Ablett, Swan, Pendlebury, Watson, Stanton, O'Meara, Wines, Moloney (Neade, Mitchell)
Ruck: Cox, Pyke (Blicavs, Nicholls)
Forwards: Reiwoldt, Bartel, Cloke, Kennedy, Franklin, Mayes (Johnson, White)

Salary Cap: 137,600

Here's what i was thinking for this week:
Hartlett/vlastuin -> Enright
Blicavs -> Grimley

That'll give me about 300k to upgrade thurlow or someone else to a premium next round.

Would love to hear any thoughts/ideas.


hartlett seems to be putting a good few scores together, depending on ur situation on who you are playing and that, could downgrade vlastuin/ thurlow who probley wont get back into the cats side as rivers and other rookies will get a run before him to clisby then prob look for ur second trade to upgrade one of your rookie mids, either wines/omera to a premo mid (mids are where the points are at.

. Then next week you could do 2 upgrades with a bit of cash blokes like mayes/neade/mitchell/colquhoun will need the chop in the coming weeks.

Ur rucks are good enough with good cover, im a cats man and didnt think blicavs would get too many games but for a big bloke he has a big tank so they run him all over the field so hes not just a ruckman and mite make it hard for teams to match up on him. The next few weeks for him will be interesting with him/simpson/west/vardy all getting fit and pushing for a spot.

Hope thats of some use to ya