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Started by Ziplock, June 02, 2013, 05:38:49 PM

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I mean, this article isn't about melbourne (well, it probably is, but sheedy doesn't mention them by name :P ) but

'In particular, he was asked whether he would be interested in helping Melbourne out of its current predicament.

"I wouldn't think they'd ask," Sheedy said.

He was an unsuccessful applicant for the Melbourne coaching position after leaving Essendon in 2007, with the job going to Dean Bailey.'

if melbourne had taken sheedy as the head coach what, 5 years back, would the club still be in the situation it is now?


couldn't be any worse :P


Shoulda, coulda, woulda...

Hard to imagine Sheedy would have coached any team to lose though.

So yes, they would be better off.


Their marketing and profile would be in a better position, on field very tough to say but I doubt he would have let genuine leaders leave the club and put leadership in the hands of such inexperienced youth.


He should be there next year in some shape or form to manage the football department or whatever


Melbourne should've gotten Sheedy in in 2007 and had a younger assistant to take over in 2-3 years. What they did at GWS.