Trading options revised, will cheer.

Started by its me lads, May 10, 2013, 02:14:26 PM

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Which option

Westhoff to Thomas + Heath to Hanley
Westhoff to Murphy + Pittard to Kerridge +$150k

its me lads

Still not sure which option I'm going for but I've narrowed it down more.

Cheers lads :D


Bring in the premos! If you're worried about not having any money, I don't think it's that big a deal. You probably have a lot of rookies ready to be cashed in anyway, so you should make it back soon....


Option 2 IMO. :)

I'm not sold on Dais, don't think he'll be a top 6 fwd - he's had one good game and two poor games, he won't be afforded that kind of space in the future should he play half back imo... Murphy a better option than him ;)

I'm also getting in Kerridge, seems to have ok JS for the moment? Will be good forward back up for the time being. Could you do Heath to Hanley in a few weeks time? That's my plan. ;)

its me lads

Good point jam. Will easily be able to do a downgrade and upgrade next week with the fat cows.

Cheers toga. I'm not completely sold on daisy but will make my forward line a look a lot stronger.

I guess the other option I cold do is get in Kerridge for westhoff and then bring in a premium defender for a rookie defender like jasper.


I agree, Toga. Daisy won't be a top 6. But he should at least make you some cash and be a nice stepping stone.

Could you afford Bartel over Daisy and still be able to do the Heath-->Hanley trade?


Yeah I like option two. Murph is in outrageous form and I'm not sold on Daisy yet. Hanley can be fairly inconsistent too and I'm not sold that he's going to have a good run without injuries.


For the big picture i would go option 1.
Daisy at the price is worth the punt and will only go up in price.
Secondly and more importantly mid rooks will outscore fwd rooks so Daisy as you say will make your fwd line look a lot better.
Plus Hanley is a no brainer.

its me lads

Can't afford Bartel over Daisy if i get Hanley aswell. Not selecting daisy as a stepping stone, would be getting him as a keeper. I that's the thing greeny. Mid rooks are going well and Fwd and backs aren't so another premo in those areas would arguably help more than Murphy in midfield because it means a good scoring rook won't be playing but a dodgy Fwd and back would be.


Westoff --> Murphy and Pittard --> Lonergan?

I know Lonergan is a week off his bubble but I reckon he has better scoring and JS than Kerridge...
Just a thought...


I'd wait a week for Dale, Go option 2. We still don't know whether Daisy had one good game and he was playing a different position from his usual one

its me lads

The poll says option 1 but the voices say 2.would it be better if I got lecras?