Quick Question!

Started by Graetzy, May 10, 2013, 06:59:17 PM

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Hey guys! Quick question! Sam Colqhuon or Rory laird to start in the backline? Cheers!


Laird. Colqhoun will get the vest.


Yep Colq will see the green, go Laird.

Laird might get it as well but maybe slightly less risk.


Laird easy.

Colquhoun probably 80% chance of vest.

Laird more like 30%

And you would want to see Colquhoun play at least 1 game first, to see how he does anyway


Cheers guys. I changed it up a bit and traded out Terlich for Lester instead of Colq, just to see how he plays over a couple of weeks before he goes in! Thanks