Suitable trade for Zorko and Patton (both forwards) - Total of 786,400 to spend

Started by Azzas Dockers, April 16, 2013, 10:48:18 AM

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Azzas Dockers

Any suggestions for two new forwards.

I am trading out Zorko and Patton, and have 147k in the bank.  (786,400 to spend)

Looking for two potential starters and people who are making money.


Could downgrade Patton to Rowe, should make some cash. Then go Zorko to franklin/Johnson. Or could go cloke and lecras


Azzas Dockers

I think I am going with the Hoff and Rowe looking to make some cash, and upgrade later.

I have Karnezis on my bench so I will upgrade him next week if his doesnt play.

its me lads

I will be probably bringing in Westhoff. It's a toss up between Hoffman, Lecras, and Bartel
